JW Marriott Grovesner House London

So as dreaming and drooling over hotels to stay in when I visit London, and being a huge fan of the JW Marriott's, I just reached down and paid the amount that was needed to stay here at the JW London. This is I think the 2nd most expensive JW in the world (it was when I was checking a few years back as I first fixated on this property).


I was jumping around London from one affordable hotel to another during my last trip there (they change prices all the time through the week and it's just crazy, there seems to be no rules to it), and I drove up to the hotel on a Friday afternoon. Since the Carporteche is 1 block in the congestion zone, bam £15 charge.
Aston Martins, Ferarris and Lamborghini's are almost always in here
This hotel was first built as a separate hotel in the 1920's as the Grovesner House Hotel. Before that it was the a massive townhouse occupying the space in Mayfair, and yes, it was expensive back then too. It was converted to a JW Marriott in 2010, and I have to say it lives up to the brand.

The Room

Trying to use suite nights had initially looked really promising. But as things got closer, well it's in Mayfair and the money there is astounding. So all the suites evaporated by the time mine would clear and I ended up with the same base room I booked. So after some very humble conversation I was able get upgraded to just below a suite without using the upgrades. After finding myself only in the room while awake for about 3 hours over 2 days, I did find that wanting that suite a bit silly even if it would have been nice but the room I ended up with was spacious and comfortable.
Actually a good amount of space around the bed and the desk was quite useable.  Very comfortable sized room not feeling clautrophobic at all
Well, a bigger room compared to the rest of the floor, I can't complain too much can I?
Since I had the Lounge, I didn't use the in room coffee or tea I didn't even bother to check the prices on these items
The bathroom was huge! Shower was at the end, the toilet seat was heated (which was amazing during the coldest weather England has had in decades) and the towel rack was heated too! Still Aromatherapy, but a new line being introduced it seems, as they are based in London it makes sense here first

The Lounge

I was looking forward to seeing my first lounge in a JW in Europe and this one was astounding and massive. During the daytime it is frequented by many of the middleeastern guests of the hotel, but as soon as the alcohol is starting to be served later in the evening the guests change.
Not labeled or obvious, I had to ask where this was at
A side alcove which is a little quieter than the main lounge area Large, lots of seating, very bright and well kept
Endless drinks, non-boozey during the day and boozey at night A couple of these around the lounge so you never have to wait long Got wine?  Very drinkable reds
Breakfast! Pastries and cereals, nice Evening fare, that bleu cheese had such a great bite to it
The fish was good, they do a class job for evening 'hor devours'.  Feels more like a meal


Being a class establishment in the fanciest district in the city, there are a few places to dine and drink. Hrm... more than 3, that's Rob's resort level criteria!
Just as you would think, lots of beef cuts.  Also where they serve breakfast in the morning.  Not for the light of wallet Tall ceiling as this used to be a 2 story French restaurant Pricey, but delicious
The Park Room side room for piano and relaxing The main side of the Park Room, for your perfect London formal tea experience or all day dining THE bar, elegant, reserved, great service and amazing drinks, all billed to my room.  This is my kind of place
The bar in JW Steak, all things American Bourbon.  Being from the USA, I think it was lost on me but is for a more global audience


Also as most hotels, it has a lot of small event rooms, a gym, ballrooms and a spa.
I'm going to say this is a medium gym, based on my experiences.  It has a workable amount of equipment but not all the things This is insanely overkill for headphones.  Yes, I kept a pair The Business center, honestly the same amount of equipment as almost all of them I have seen and a personal services desk, it's just a more open floor format
The spa, bastion of the rich wives and daughters of those with a lot more money than Rob The main ballroom, the weekend GM clued me into it being unoccupied for my ability to photo, generally this space is booked for so many months in advance.  Very old school elegant


As a continuation to hit all the JW Marriotts in the world, this one was a gem among gems that I have experienced. The level of service and quality of details in the hotel, and the incredible Executive Lounge, just wow. Yes, this is a very expensive place to stay, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice to visit here and experience all the luxury to be able to blog it. I know, how magnamimous of me.

I will tell you all this, after I keep going to these super top end hotels, it gets harder to stay at what most would consider regular level. I continue to do it but places like this make it seem a much lesser experience.


Michael Walsh - 2024-05-04
Stayed there in 2014. Stunning service. And yes, the Lounge!

Robert - 2024-05-04 From the Real Rob
I just wish the rates in London were more in line with not going broke!

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