Apple Park Vistor Center

Apple Park, the highly secured but amazingly beautiful and environmentally friendly (including energy consumption) complex which is now the global headquarters to Apple corporation has a visitor center, which is kinda of an enhanced Apple store but contains items you can only acquire here.

In homage to Apple, I didn't use my Sony full frame camera, but instead, shot it all on an iPhone 14 (the highest model at the time). So images do seem to me, at least, a little flatter than normal but I felt I should make it an all Apple experience.

A little personal history, the first computer I had ever engaged with was an Apple ][ (not plus, not //e, but a base 48k of memory original model which is less memory than your microwave now). That's what began my interest and career in software way back in 1979 (note from my editor "Man You're old").

The Shop

Well, as it is an Apple Store, it has all the Apple things.

The Center

It is also a visitor center with a virtual and physical model of the park, plus a coffee shop. I did miss the memo where Apple and coffee were now a thing.
Apple Mecca? Kinda. Pretty good, cleaner designs than any other Apple store on the planet for sure The Apple store big screen, for classes, demos, and the all important adverts Flex your fanboy. From the original logos to today. Oh you bet I have several of these now Not sure the correlation, but shrug. Coffee is here An aluminum model of the park, made from recycled Macbooks. No, seriously And they will loan you an iPad that shows you what it really looks like. This is amazing VR tech Up on the roof, it's all open to the world. Enjoy your coffee, lunch, new iPad, or just the view of the park And there it is. Someday, I hope to get inside, but the odds are miniscule An organic building needs massive external light availability Even when surrounded by cement, it's in a forest Exsquisitely manicured Also to reduce its footprint, the walls move to equalize with the outside air, no energy needed then


Am I a fanboy? I must say I guess I am, because without that first introduction to computers via an Apple I would not be where I am today, which isn't a bad place. Also every device just works seamlessly with all the others, making my blogging so much easier, and thereby benefiting the viewer, aka, you.

While it has Apple items, it doesn't have the breadth yet of things that the old center had at 1 Infinite Loop, the original Apple HQ. That was a bit of a letdown for sure, but I did not leave empty handed.

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