Atlanta Botanical Garden
In 1973, the citizens of Atlanta petitioned for a botanical garden, and in 1976 it was incorporated by leasing 30 acres in Piedmont Park, just north of Downtown Atlanta.
The current lease runs to 2030, so let's hope things continue after that for this exceptional space.
Each year typically has a theme and it incorporates non-garden elements. At present in 2023, it's large wooden trolls (but some elements of previous ones have been kept like a Chihuly glass sculpture).
The Arrival - Arts Center
I took the Marta, which is the Atlanta Metro light rail system, to the Arts Center station with the intention of walking to the garden.
That was a mistake; it's a lot farther than it looks on a map and the access to the park are at points a good distance from the garden entrance. Take a car or rideshare.
Eventually I got to the entrance close enough to my scheduled ticket time to be allowed in (it was close though). Then I could get my camera ready and start to head in.
The Grounds
Various meandering paths (nothing is a straight line here) bring you to various areas of the garden. Some end up being cul-de-sacs with one way in and one way out. It's a pleasant walk though even if it does take some time.
On the south side of the lands is a very large hothouse for less cold-tolerant plants. Somehow this was the worst winter in a long time in Atlanta (Am I cursed?) so this was definitely the most colorful area in March.
Then off to the more wooded and natural (Eg. not managed) areas of the garden in the north. The kids' area is a bridge across a road to one of those afore mentioned cul-de-sacs. There is a ton of stuff there, but I have just one picture for you as strangely people look at you weird when you take photos where there are kids around.
And the woods, which I really liked. Quite outstanding in scope and visual impact.
A very nice spot to escape the cement escarpments that make up the city of Atlanta in a storied and highly valued greenspace.
And of course there's a gift shop with tons of horticultural items and some other things that have me scratching my head.