The Franklin Institute

In 1824, 200 years ago, the Franklin Institute was formed to promote mechanic arts, which is the functioning of machines. Steam engine research was a key item in the early years as it was the newest form of power developed.

Its original building was quite small and located near Independence Hall. The new edifice on "Museum Parkway" opened in 1931, and it also houses the national memorial to Benjamin Franklin. The breadth of his work is fairly equivalent to DaVinci, and he was also instrumental in the founding of the United States. He was also a scientist, so this makes so much sense.

The Museum

Well, it's actually kinda strangely setup, with the large memorial breaking up the first couple floors, and the massive lobby open to the roof. The lower level and wings are where the museum is; it's not really connected in a linear progression with a few dead ends, so you walk around to several things.

Brain Area

On the main floor, there is a very large section on how the brain functions and how the external world is interpreted. It's pretty deep, and very interesting.

Third Floor and Space

The third floor contains a lot of physics and also a portion of the space exhibits. There are more exhibits on the main floor for space, but organizationally I put them together because it seems better suited.

Art of the Brick

An exceptionally large area dedicated to traveling displays, and very fortuitously, the Art of the Brick, a world famous, nerdy, and thought provoking display by artist Nathan Sawaya.


Of course, with kids or just yourself, you're likely to be hungry after going through all of these things and the planetarium (which I didn't enter even though one show as included with my ticket). It was a long weekend and I was afraid I would fall asleep in it.
I'll be honest, the main reason I came was to see this mechanical writing machine from the 1700's. 3 poems and 3 pictures it can draw, all with gears The mechanical area, the soul and origin of the institute A Foucault pendulum, which tells time because it doesn't move in relation to the earth, the earth circles around it The flight wing, with great displays on how aerodynamics actually work A production model Wright Flyer, donated by a local businessman who had it as a lark A lovely telescope, hidden in the basement, not looking at the stars. Quite sad actually A maze of illusions, geared towards pre-teens and just mobbed with kids You can be a neurons message climbing around a brain as other messages flash besides you What is really in the brain? Well, physically we know, and here it is This is here and designed to set off your brains warning system so you feel it A small village of various shops showing how your brain interprets all kinds of things, including visual illusions How do you react, hear, sense? This area tries to bring you through those experiences in an understanding way There are a few long halls just getting you to your place How do objects interact in a gravity environment with inertia? More physics and gravitation interactive stations Sports section, funny, it's all physics This area has many many spaces to actually be part of the experiment Space, and traversing it (ergo, the astronauts section) Otherworldly displays for stations and planetary habitation Our current explorers out there What actually is outer space? This is a great area explaining its contents And how big is it? Well, honestly larger than our brains can grasp Chill with blue man before you enter All with these little bricks, held by these little bricks Art imitating art Ancient world in plastic When in Rome, or Greece There is something that just keeps me looking for the rest of this one What is the man? The face or the body? This one actually disturbed me Can you escape humanity? The animal world, part of a naturalist display Kitty! Will this be the last place we can see polar bears? These were used in their actual environments as stand ins for the real ones And now that the younger ones are amped up beyond belief (there is a play area too) you won't escape without buying some of this The quick bites area. Mostly healthy The main dining area of substantial food The menu so you know the potential damage before you go in Quite large area, had just opened and not quite lunch time


I didn't know what to expect, this is not just a museum but a center of research. I was at first underwhelmed until I was drawn more and more into the institute and didn't want to leave.

Oh, yes, yes, yes, I did not forget, a museum, here is a shopping experience.

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